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We’re Learning So Much

Posted by – Steve Cohen, Director of Community Development

and Karen Adcock, Director of Senior Services

“This is so interesting … eye-opening … so important.”  

Those are just a few of the final comments we’ve heard from the people who’ve attended the recent public input meetings about the Age-Friendly Auburn Hills initiative.

February 27th event: Great Lakes Golf and Sports Complex – 3951 Joslyn Road

The Age-Friendly Auburn Hills team is pleased to report that two community conversation events have recently been held in the northwest (February 27th) and central (March 4th) parts of the City.  Tremendous input has been received thus far.  We’re learning so much.

People are telling us their stories, opinions, and observations on to help make our community better.  We’re learning what would make things easier for them (and often the people they care for) to live in Auburn Hills as they age.  We’ll be reporting back with some of their Rock Star Ideas in the weeks to come.

March 4th event: Auburn Hills Christian Center – 2592 E. Walton

On a personal note, we have been overwhelmed with gratitude for the many volunteers (City Council, Planning Commission, AARP, staff, residents, and host venues) who have worked so hard and given their time and talents to make this program happen.  We’ve counted over 50 dedicated people who’ve helped the team both behind the scenes and at the events.  This historic initiative wouldn’t be possible without their contributions.

The next event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26th at R. Grant Graham Elementary located at 2450 Old Salem Road in the Bloomfield Orchards Subdivision.  The program will start at 6:30 p.m.  You can RSVP by calling Elizabeth Brennan at 248-364-6946 (note: a message can be left on her voicemail anytime of the day – leave your name(s), address, and phone number) or by e-mailing her at  The first 50 people to RSVP will receive a special gift at the event.

We encourage people of all ages to attend.  Hope to see you there!